Saturday, March 5, 2022

looking at a saree on a tired evening: the friday saree




it's been one of those weeks, when by the time it's friday evening, i am almost passing out with mental hyper acrobatics, mind in a stupor practically. but something stops it from shutting down.

got to choose a saree. it's friday evening.

i dragged myself to the cupboard and opened the door with weary hands. my tired gaze wandered over the stacks of fabric, nothing registered, all was a mass of colours.

when i felt my hand reach out even before my eyes saw the saree. how does that happen? i don't know. but it does. it did. maybe it was the colour. 

oh, what a red.

i felt my drooping shoulders lift. yes, that saree...or... maybe?.. 

what blouse, i heard my mind murmur to me.

a fine silk from sonepur in odisha, with the simple ek phulia motif and delicate ikkat or bandha on the pallu. bought it two years ago for my sixtieth birthday because my father was born in odisha, in sambalpur. the other birthday saree came from benaras, where my mother was born, it's what i'm wearing on the banner of this blog... will take nice shots and write about my sixtieth birthday sarees some day. i looked at the saree again.

i tried to resist, since i was not in a compliant mood. but the red would have none of it.



sonepur ikkat of odisha from a lovely shareer dokan (ok ok saree shop) called vani vrtti.



sarees tell stories index

the friday saree index




photos credit ferolyn fernandez

1 comment:

  1. Hallo, ich bin die Herma aus Deutschland und 66 Jahre alt. Durch die IPKKND Serie bin ich bei deinem Blog gelandet, du erinnerst dich bestimmt. Auch ich liebe die bunte Vielfalt der Saris, sie sind so wunderschön anzusehen. So was gibt es in unserer europäischen Kultur so gar nicht, wahrscheinlich auch oft ein bisschen zu kalt dafür.🤗
    Weiss auch gar nicht ob das bei meiner rundlichen Figur und nur 163 m gross so gut aussehen würde.🤔😅
    Aber das hält mich nicht davon ab, sie zu bewundern, vor allem die Stickereien sind so fantastisch, soetwas gibt es an unserer Kleidung nicht.
    Jedenfalls freue ich mich schon auf das nächste Foto von deinem Sari.
    Bis dahin liebe Grüsse an alle Frauen 💐, ist ja internationaler Frauentag heute 🙋‍♀️🥂 Herzlichst Herma 🎉


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